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Prices are inclusive all course material (papers, CDs) but exclusive travel
and lodging costs of lecturer and exclusive VAT. Customer provides a suitable
classroom with a computer beamer. If necessary, XML4Pharma will hire a computer beamer for the customer at
additional cost.
Cancellation by the customer of a course must be at last two weeks before the
start of the course. If the course is cancelled by the customer at a later
time, XML4Pharma will charge the customer for
non-refundable costs of flying or train tickets and hotel reservations.
XML4Pharma will not be liable for any damage to customer
if XML4Pharma has to cancel the course due to illness,
accident or family matters. In such cases, XML4Pharma
will propose to give the course at a later date, or to refund any payments
already made for the course. For all other conditions, reference is made to
our consultancy agreement, which
can be obtained from XML4Pharma.